
Hey there!

Welcome to Lovely Lemon. A place that appreciates baked goods of all shapes and sizes, adventures with family and friends - and the art of turning lemons into something lovely. Cheers!

Welcome to Lovely Lemon!

Welcome to Lovely Lemon!

Hi Friends,

The year 2020 has been a doozy, and like many I needed a new way to focus and spend time doing something that fed my soul. And by that I mean not something I would get tired of in two weeks and then slowly stop doing it - because let’s be honest, we’ve all been there. Baking has always been a part of my life from watching my Grandmothers in the kitchen baking highly anticipated pies over the Holidays to enjoying the Great Britsh Baking Show and learning about so many unique pasteries and breads. Side note: Shoutout to Paul Hollywood and his kind wisdom (and eyes), as its nice to see a competition show that is about building peoples passions up, and not seeing them run to the bathroom in tears.

I have seen so many incredible home artists this year embracing their creative ideas and sharing them with the world, which is what has ultimately inspired me to do the same. That takes a lot of guts and I applaud you all! The point of Lovely Lemon is to not just share those “Instragram” worthy donuts ….but the ones that look a little rough around the edges too. Because that life. It’s imperfect. It’s challenging. But it’s still lovely.

So cheers to everyone — I hope that we can all find a little something special in our lives to appreciate and be thankful for — and turn lemons into something lovely.

Rebecca Paul-Martin




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The Sweetest Shortbread Cookie

The Sweetest Shortbread Cookie

The Baked Lemon Poppy Seed Donut

The Baked Lemon Poppy Seed Donut